Oklahoma Liquor License & Marijuana License processing can be a huge stumbling block to starting a business, especially when it pertains to liquor and marijuana laws. Runners Licensing can save you the hassle with statewide processing of beer and liquor permits

County, city and state permitting requires an understanding of the relevant regulations. Handling the paperwork and legwork means either adding employees, adding additional duties to already overburdened staff or processing this paperwork yourself. No matter what choice is made, it will cost time and money.

Much of this paperwork must be done in person; that means drive time, waiting on someone to process papers, carrying them to someone else, waiting for them to process papers and on and on and on... Sound familiar?

We can save you that time, money and frustration, reduce the need to study the regulations and make it unnecessary to divert valuable personnel from money making tasks.

Runners can also now assist with your marketing and advertising needs. Business identities, business cards, new menus, signage or ads are a few of our specialties. Our award winning marketing specialist can help increase your numbers in order to help your business succeed.

Runners can do all that for you... and more.


Runners Licensing and Permit Processing
home marijuana liquor additional contact


Oklahoma Liquor License & Marijuana License processing can be a huge stumbling block to starting a business, especially when it pertains to liquor and marijuana laws. Runners Licensing can save you the hassle with statewide processing of beer and liquor permits

County, city and state permitting requires an understanding of the relevant regulations. Handling the paperwork and legwork means either adding employees, adding additional duties to already overburdened staff or processing this paperwork yourself. No matter what choice is made, it will cost time and money.

Much of this paperwork must be done in person; that means drive time, waiting on someone to process papers, carrying them to someone else, waiting for them to process papers and on and on and on... Sound familiar?

We can save you that time, money and frustration, reduce the need to study the regulations and make it unnecessary to divert valuable personnel from money making tasks.

Runners can also now assist with your marketing and advertising needs. Business identities, business cards, new menus, signage or ads are a few of our specialties. Our award winning marketing specialist can help increase your numbers in order to help your business succeed.

Runners can do all that for you... and more.



liquor license and marijuana license permit


918-488-0507 • Tulsa, OK 74145
  Runners Licensing and Permit Processing  
  home marijuana liquor additional contact  


Oklahoma Liquor License & Marijuana License processing can be a huge stumbling block to starting a business, especially when it pertains to liquor and marijuana laws. Runners Licensing can save you the hassle with statewide processing of beer and liquor permits

County, city and state permitting requires an understanding of the relevant regulations. Handling the paperwork and legwork means either adding employees, adding additional duties to already overburdened staff or processing this paperwork yourself. No matter what choice is made, it will cost time and money.

Much of this paperwork must be done in person; that means drive time, waiting on someone to process papers, carrying them to someone else, waiting for them to process papers and on and on and on... Sound familiar?

We can save you that time, money and frustration, reduce the need to study the regulations and make it unnecessary to divert valuable personnel from money making tasks.

Runners can also now assist with your marketing and advertising needs. Business identities, business cards, new menus, signage or ads are a few of our specialties. Our award winning marketing specialist can help increase your numbers in order to help your business succeed.

Runners can do all that for you... and more.



liquor license and marijuana license permit


                             918-488-0507 • Tulsa, OK 74145